1928 to 1931 Ford Model A Parts, have a few parts for sale- Rear inside window frame , fits all 28-31 closed cars , coupe, Tudor and Fordor Sedans, This is an original frame in excellent condition $69 . Reproductions cost well over $100 Front Door inside door handles have three with escutions for $5 each New brake pedal adjusting tool $15 Tire Guage, a rare Shraeder universal tire pressure guage , imprinted with Dunlop Tire and Rubber Company Toronto $20 DVD 'S , HAVE THREE ,one rebuilding the model a three speed transmission $15 Canadian Service Bulletins $15 Selling the New Ford, showing a salesman telling a customer all about the New 1928 Ford, filmed in 1928, published by the Model A Ford Club of America in 2010 , $15 Will ship any item for the cost of postage plus the listed price from Victoria B.C.