Extremely well serviced vehicle with 44 reported service records on the carfax! No serious accidents, other than a no details zero dollar claim from 2014, its never been in a collision! Well equipped with powered and heated seats, navigation, Bluetooth and Back-up Camera! We completed a 150 point mechanical inspection with included New oil and filters, New wipers, New spark plugs and more! This SUV has near new brakes and tires also! It even comes with two sets of keys! Please call or email us to set up a time to view or test drive as we are a small company appointments are strongly encouraged. We would hate to miss you while we are out picking up or dropping off vehicles. King's Auto Sales Ltd.... Where we treat you like Royalty! 2651 Sooke Road, Langford BC Dealer 41353 Trade ins welcome, and financing available! Price is $12,495 Plus $499 Documentation fee plus taxes