Purchased from Bishops Bikes in Victoria in 2022. Has 550km on it but we have outgrown it's kid carrying requirements. These are a sturdy efficient trike made in Denmark. Ours has the Shimano STePS 6100 Di2 system with a powerful 60Nm torque mid drive motor and a 5 speed internal geared hub with automatic shifting capabilities. Battery is 14Ah and 405Wh and the trike can do 60km on a charge. We have 2 kid seats, a baby seat, a seat reducer (soft padded add on to reduce size for smaller kids), internal storage bags, and a blue cover for the rainy days. This trike is stable, very maneuverable, and versatile. Can haul up to 4 kids and lots of cargo up to 100kg. All you need to know is on the Winther website here: https://www.wintherbikes.com/products/cargo-bikes/for-family/cargoo/misty-black-misty-black Bishops currently has one on sale for $9000 ($1500 off). Ours is in very good condition, has extras, no tax - $6800 OBO. email or text me at 250-588-3228 Cargo, ebike, winther, trike, Radpower,