It is time to let our beloved cargo bike go. This Birota frame has been retrofitted with a Sustainawave motor and battery. Sustainawave is a local company which offers bikes and ebike conversions. It's had a recent tune up and is running tip-top! Bought 2 years ago for this price, used about 1 year. It uses a front lever brake, and backpedal brakes which both engage the regenerative motor brake. This helps the battery last longer as it can charge anytime you go down a hill or use your brakes. It also features a removable bench, thumb throttle, new tires, and bike rack. Our kids are getting a bit too big for the box (5 year old in the picture), which is why we switched to larger capacity bikes that can fit both a 5 and a 9 year old. This would be a perfect bike for parents of a single child, dogs, or someone who just wants to be able to lug around more stuff!