There is lots available. This amount will make 1 quart at a time. I usually have two batches going so I never run out. Water kefir is a probiotic beverage that may have various health benefits, including improved immunity and protection against certain types of cancer. You can easily make this at home from sugar water and water kefir grains. Water kefir is a fermented, carbonated beverage that is produced using water kefir grains. One of the most significant benefits of water kefir is its probiotic content. Probiotics are a type of beneficial bacteria found in your gut that play an integral role in almost every aspect of health, from cancer prevention to immune function and beyond. While yogurt may be the most well-known source of probiotics in the modern diet, kefir is actually considered a better source, as it provides a diverse range of bacteria and yeast. ALSO HAVE FLIP TOP BOTTLES FOR $3.00