Join us at Patio Gardens for our Bread Making Workshop! 6536 West Saanich Rd. Making our own bread takes us back to homesteading days of simpler times. Combining the ingredients of flour, water, salt, oil and yeast, into dough creates the opportunity for many home baked items including loaves, buns and focaccia. Join this 2 hr. workshop to learn and understand the steps involved in bread making, and the tips and techniques for a successful journey into home baked yeast products. The workshop demonstration will include the process of making dough, and how to shape the dough into a loaf, buns and focaccia. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to: Experience the feel of kneading & taste a sample of baked yeast dough products. Thursday October 3rd 6:30PM - 8:30PM 6536 West Saanich Rd. *Take home a loaf pan, packet of yeast and recipe to create and bake in your kitchen. To register visit: www.patiogardens/workshops