Pick up in vic. (WILL TRADE FOR ROLAND JC120) Great clean condition with footswitch and case from non smoking home. Newest version with the 5885 tubes. Awesome 2 channel tube amp. Has very nice cleans to brutal highgain, Very pedal friendly and makes a great pedal platform and is easily loud enough for most gigs unless your bandmates are using full stack 2ohm 1000w doom rigs lol . Useless fx loop as everyone knows but really ymmv. Go read about it, its 15w all tube lunchbox amp but for all intents and purposes plays, sounds and has the headroom like a 50w. Great for live use or hiding on a little shelf for recording duty. If youre looking for that 5150/dualrec sorta sound i bet you'd be pretty darn happy with this. Ive owned all the big amps and the mt15 absolutely holds up to them imho!