********Chinese herbal foot therapy will bring you the balance of Yin and Yang and dispel the cold in winter. Now you can also perform acupressure and chiropractic. In addition, we also have lymphatic drainage and ovarian care, which can effectively remove unnecessary waste from the body, effectively stimulate lymphatic activity, increase the productivity of lymphocytes, and effectively improve the body's metabolism. Ear cleaning and care, its main function is to remove ear excrement from the external auditory canal and avoid acute external auditory canal*********************************************** 🎉Make an appointment now 🎉 on our home page, or contact with advisor by Messenger and phone call (250)-590-8873. We will answer you so Address: Room200, 661 Burnside Rd E, Victoria Tel:(250)590-8873 Website: https://www.halfmoonvictoria.com/ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/HalfMoonVictoria/ Ins: @halfmoonmassagespa