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Fundraisers for Charities and Non-Profits Victoria Area


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Hi there, I'm currently working on raising funds for SIPPA - South Island Partnership against Parental Alienation. One of many specialists on this massive problem destroying kids is Dr. Craig Childress -excellent YouTube explanation. A group of positive people who have daily hands on experiences with this abusive problem associated with high conflict divorces to provide education, seminars, website educational information, resource training to schools and other critical modalities regarding parental alienation classic of abusive seperation/high conflict divorce grossly affecting the well-being of the children, animals, other parent, snowballing to everyone that had ever had contact as abuse to them as well. It's imperative that kids get empowered to understand, heal quickly and survive and move forward away from negative people, environments and situations. And that resource services get properly trained to identify classic signs of alienation problems arising in kids early before the damage becomes detrimental leading to life-long problems. Parental alienation is a worldwide problem in every country, city, town in which seperations/divorces occur, which are millions per year worldwide. Court systems and those working in any legal or advisory capacity are NOT trained to properly recognize and act immediately giving rise to extensive problems for years, sometimes forever. The Alberta government just announced $13 million to legal groups and universities for "research" regarding kid-stress in high conflict divorces. Research that's already done! Any insult to scared, lonely kids filled with uncertainty, scars forever and the parent still trying to get them safe out of the abusive environment battling a more abusive barbaric legal system. Specialists have been advocating for decades for change with no avail so it goes into the "hands" of the innocent, unwanted victims to bear, sometimes forever damage, if current resources are not utilized, untrained or unknown or useless to battle due to the severity. HELP me, help kids and help others to empower the future. "Tomorrow's future, is today's kid" Use the SIPPA account at the bottle Depot when returning empties. Funds will be going directly to empowering kids out of negative situations and negative environments, and learn skills of positive psychology, strong boundaries and growth mindset through different modalities. Anyone who has any empties immediately please email to arrange pickup. Instead of a bottle drive, let me do the work and pick-up for you OR simply use the SIPPA account at any Bottle Depot location, (Glandford, Queens or Quadra)

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January 9, 2025
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