Did you know that the Victoria Flea Market offers free space to local charities for fundraising? If your group wants to hold a sale but doesn't have an affordable venue ask about our free FundRaiser Support Program. We love to support local charitable initiatives and organizations. Our Grand Opening for the Spring 2020 Session 2019 begins Sunday, January 5th. Message us today and book a date for your group at the flea market. We're into sustainability for fun and profit! Every Sunday starting January 5th you will find up to 60 vendors indoors and outdoors with everything you need and love, from regular household goods and recycled items to postcards and estate jewellery, vinyl records, cameras, books, typewriters, tools, retro furnishings, vintage clothes and textiles, silver, ceramics, bakelite, art and unique items from Victoria's best pickers. In addition, find quality new and used household goods and delicious locally made baked goods, knitwear, soap and tea. Vintage, repurposed, refreshed and handmade treasures for house and garden. Proudly sponsored by #Used.ca and supported by Victoria's dedicated pickers and collectors, wheelers and dealers, buyers and sellers. Victoria's best venue for vintage and collectable items happens every Sunday through until Easter at 411 Gorge Rd.E. in the Trafalgar-ProPatria legion. In the comfort of our warm indoor facility, enjoy the camaraderie of top-notch pickers, dealers and collectors. Build your knowledge and network with the help of our specialized dealers. Free parking and easy wheelchair access. Full concession, clean washrooms, and kid-friendly atmosphere too. New vendors are always welcome.